Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Table Envy

Thom's table envy, combined with a bounty of fresh flowers, transformed our traditional Sunday morning breakfast.

The pancakes and sausage, perfectly grilled by Randy, never looked so good.

Butterflies feasted along side us in the longest stretch of sunny weather we've had all summer.

Food itself provided the color in dinner for two on Thursday night:

Victor and Tommy accessorized their new bronze statue, originally commissioned for display at Abercrombie and Fitch flagship stores.  If it could talk about what goes on in their overheated pool . . .

Birds of a feather do no always flock together in the Pines.


Barbie Rising

Citrus Still Life

Red Rocking Horse Corral

Natural Checkerboard

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Unsettled Weather

If you paid attention to the five-day forecasts for the Pines, you probably wouldn't have stuck around for this:

But unsettled weather defies predictability and offers its own rewards.

Butterflies fed between the storms.

So did we.

Rain refreshed the mid-summer flora.

Including our unfailingly exuberant hibiscus!

Occasional downpours washed the plastic people clean.  They mostly reside in the Grove.

Traffic through the Enchanted Forest slowed to a trickle.

A young buck boldly expressed his curiosity.

Bouts of bright sunlight bathed new construction in the Pines and the Grove, 

It cast strong shadows, too

. . . and illuminated ordinary items.