Saturday, November 15, 2014

Climb Every Mountain

I rose very early Saturday morning to climb Table Mountain, Cape Town's #1 tourist attraction.  It reminds me of the flat tops I used to get as a kid.

Fortunately, the weather cooperated. My starting point was less than a ten minute-drive from Camps Bay and I arrived in time to snag the last convenient parking space.

The climb was supposed to take two to three hours.  Nothing like an i-Pod programmed with your favorite tunes (especially Taylor Swift's "Clean") and magnificent views to put the wind in your solo sails.

 No exertion would be complete without a selfie!

Would you believe I reached the top in less than two hours?  Not bad for 61-year-old guy with an artificial hip!

With a little help from this marker, I explored the plateau.  Let me tell you, it was chilly up there.

Dan and Peter, his very welcoming Cape Town colleague, took the cable car to the top.

I was supposed to meet them at the visitor's center around 10 a.m.

A pair of more appropriately attired dassies kept me company while I waited, very thankful that I brought at least a sweatshirt.

I think "earning" the views made me enjoy them more.  And the hot chocolate, too.

My snobbery didn't stop me from descending in the cable car.

Afterward, Dan and I headed back to the V & A Waterfront to complete our shopping and visit the Two Oceans Aquarium.

Far more impressive was the Cape of Good Hope, where the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans "officially" meet.

Road signs warned us about the baboons.  They said nothing about the speed bumps that gave me a lot more trouble.

Too bad we had to leave before the sunset.  I might have conceded it was even prettier than the ones we enjoy so much in the Pines.

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