Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday Mass

We scored tickets on Sunday morning to a mass in the Wiener Hofmusikkapelle, the chapel of the Imperial Palace, sung by the Vienna Boys Choir.  Fittingly, Mozart wrote the music when he was 12.

The usher led us up two flights of stairs, past the palace's oldest interiors, and seated us directly across from the choir loft.

Thom & Chris faced the musicians who were setting up their instruments while I watched them in a mirror or on a video screen where we all had to look to see any of the ritual below.  Photography wasn't permitted once the mass began, when the choir finally made its entrance.  No matter.  It was mostly an audible experience and the acoustics were heavenly.

Thom, Catholic, may enjoyed the mass the most.  I had a better time afterward, chasing the choir as they exited the chapel with the director.  Did divine intervention make my camera balk?  I only got a couple of shots.

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