Saturday, February 18, 2017

Saving the Galaxy . . . One Drunken Nerd at a Time

The same hipster waitress that told Joe about Crescent Park recommended we hit Frenchmen Street for the Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus parade.

"Don't worry," she said.  "You'll have a good time even if you aren't into Star Wars."  That was the understatement of the trip.

Thom spotted a bar and bought the first round of drinks, just as the balcony upstairs opened.

We grabbed front row seats and were pretty well lit by the time two dozen Princess Leias marched beneath us.  RIP Carrie Fisher.  Pretty sure you heard the poignant shrieks of delight.

But i-Phone photos don't do the scene justice.  Even tipsy video captures the loud, colorful joy much better.

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