Thursday, November 30, 2017

Nubian Hospitality

Our ride along the Nile's first cataract included a refreshment break in a Nubian village. The uncle of our boat driver escorted us to his home on elevated ground.

We certainly wouldn't have been able to follow the signs.

Brightly colored homes lined the dusty streets.  I wondered if the village had been displaced by the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

Crocodiles are an integral part of the household we visited.  I couldn't tell if they were cultural or just something to tickle the tourists.

I felt sorry for this one who occupied a deep cement container in the middle of the foyer. The very dry reptile seemed to be even more exploited than the family extending their hospitality.

I wasn't sure the man's wife was thrilled with our invasion of her kitchen, although she did put out a nice spread.

I felt better when I saw Ahmed hand the homeowner a sheaf of bills, but his nephew's career choice seemed more dignified.

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