Thursday, December 6, 2018

A Breezy Building

Reunification Palace, completed in the mid 60s,  is impeccably manicured and accessible to the public.  It wouldn't look out of place on Lincoln Center Plaza.

But the architect clearly prioritized function over aesthetics.  Even in Saigon's stifling heat and humidity, breezes blowing through the building keep it relatively cool.

I'm not sure how to describe the interior decor.  Jetson pinko?  Somehow, it works.

Apparatchiks once conferred here.

"Call me maybe?"

Dad returned from his tour of duty with a white elephant just like this one, outside the Palace's residential quarters.  He used to perch on it in the living room and make fun of whatever Mom and I were watching on the "boob tube."  In a sentimental effort to replace it, I made an uncharacteristic and impulsive purchase in India several years ago but it can't compare to he kick I get out of this photo!   

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