Monday, June 10, 2019


Varick and I started our 2nd Pines weekend with a healthy lunch:  beets tossed with celery, walnuts, red onion and feta cheese, and a hard-boiled egg.

A most excellent game of Scrabble followed with more interesting words than usual.

A young, distressed northern gannet (adults are white) allowed me close enough to snap a close-up.  It didn't react as pleasantly to a curious Labrador retriever a few minutes later.

Our house is a great place to watch the sunset, especially around this time of year.

But none of us expected the light show we got Friday evening.


Two nights later it looked like this.  

Beauty is never hard to locate on Fire Island.

We just don't have as many weekends to find it this year.

The Grove's bounty.

On Sunday night we dined on appetizers while watching the Tony awards.

By the time we return in mid-July, the beach replenishment project will have begun.

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