Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Pop Goes The Bubble

Thom and I popped our quarantine bubble with Christine, a fellow snowbird who had returned to DC for unresolved dental issues just before the pandemic hit.  She hosted us in her garden when we dropped off her Mini Cooper.

Pat and Bill invited us to dinner at their freshly repainted home in the People's Republic of Takoma Park.

Social distancing was the order of the day, of course, in the backyard that Pat has beautifully landscaped.

Bill cooked a delicious and colorful dinner:  pork in mole sauce, sweet potato fries, guacamole, a tossed salad, and an out-of-this-world lemon poundcake.

In less than an afternoon's time, Thom and I had three times as many social contacts as we'd had during three months of isolation at the Folly.

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