Monday, January 18, 2021

Fabulous Flamingoes

We celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a field trip to "old" Florida.  It began at Flamingo Gardens, just west of Fort Lauderdale.

At least one of the contestants vying to be the most Fabulous Flamingo was masked.

Truth be told, we saw plenty more fakes of the lawn variety--albeit quite creatively decorated--than the real thing!

Peacocks definitely know how to attract an audience.

I felt like a tittering eight-year-old boy taking this picture but I couldn't resist.

A regal, white peahen roosting in a tree caught our attention, too.

There was an abundance of other birds, most them rescued which made their confinement easier to bear.

Red Tailed Hawk

I mistook this Black Crowned Night Heron for a Kingfisher.

We crossed paths with a fabulous turtle, too!

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