Thursday, March 11, 2021

Everglades Airboat Tour

Steven booked a private tour of Everglades National Park at Coopertown Airboats.  We had some time to kill because Jack, our guide, helped sweep up after a serious auto crash on the Tamiami Trail, just across from the dock. 

Andrew bought the ice-cold bucket of beer.  Highly recommended in the afternoon heat!

Noise cancelling headphones are essential for blocking out the fan noise.

Sawgrass thrives only in fresh water.  It's less than three-feet deep here, and clean enough to drink in a pinch.

Jack pointed out half a dozen gator haunts during the two-hour tour.  A Florida good ol' boy, he wears that jacket to hunt ducks and snakes, his favorite pastimes.

Dragonflies were multi-colored and more plentiful.  

According to Jack, some official duck hunter group built this cabin on a hardwood hammock before the area became a national park.  Eisenhower supposedly slept here.

The exterior paint job looked like camouflage.

The tour ended with an opportunity to hold a baby gator.  Who could resist?  Everybody but me.

Note the high tech method of keeping the jaws shut.


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