Sunday, June 6, 2021

I F*****' ❤️ New York

Florida had begun to feel like exile, but I didn't realize how much I missed New York City until the weekend I began taking advantage of what it has to offer.  Free exhibits at both the American Folk Art Museum and the New Museum provided cultural edification but the five-mile walk home from the latter on a hot, sunny afternoon provided the incomparable sensory stimulation I'd been missing for six months.

Something to photograph almost every step of the way.

The exuberance of life on the streets and in the parks was unmistakable as the pandemic fades for the time being.

Bizarre ads pasted on construction sites

Creative window displays like the Boom Boom Brow Bar

and Liberte, Egalité, Fragrancite.  Even perfumers have manifestos these days!

Urban greenery

Rainbow flags decorating cookies

and storefronts in Chelsea, serving as backdrops for Grindr photos.  How do I know? Because I recognized the self-proclaimed "virgin" online  a couple of days later.  Only in New York.

Faux pets that still smell like the real thing behind glass.

Immaculate sidewalks in front of Penn Plaza.

Pipes galore for folks who can't get their high naturally.

42nd Street looking spiffy.  Madame Tussaud's is still on my list of things to see.

The return of costumed characters and tourists to Times Square (who cares if they're mostly local?  it's a start)

Eye catching public service messaging to combat racism

Columbus Circle thronged with happy pedestrians on their way to and from Central Park

Late afternoon sunbathing in the Sheep Meadow


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