Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Back To School

On the first day of the 2024 fall semester, pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched outside the gated entrance to Columbia at Broadway and 116th Street.  The university's first female president is long gone.

Columbia ID is required to enter the campus.  It's unclear how many of the demonstrators are students.  Many were masked, unlikely for health reasons.  Anonymity really enhances the courage of your convictions, don't you think?

Media commandeered an island across the street to fan the flames of the controversy over the Israeli response to a terrorist attack by Hamas that shows no sign of ending after nearly a year and thousands of lives lost on both sides.  Meanwhile, the campus itself was bustling with new students going to class and socializing with new friends on the lawns.

By the next afternoon, the demonstrators and the cameras had vanished.  Does this look like a campus in turmoil to you?

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