Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Brunch

Do you know "Put On Your Sunday Clothes?" from Hello, Dolly

Sure you do, if you saw Wall-E.

It's the song on the video that he plays over and over.  

Anyway, that's what Mao here did one unseasonably warm day this fall when I joined some friends for brunch in Chelsea.

Joe, Magda, Hilary and I ate at the Tipsy Parson in Chelsea.  I had a salad with bitter greens, figs, walnuts, apples and blue cheese.  No shit, it was probably the best and freshest I'd ever eaten.  Then again, I don't get out much.

We took a walk afterwards.  There was a Post-It shrine to Steve Jobs at the Apple store on 14th Street.  Pretty low tech, huh?  I doubt if he would have approved.

Space always needs to be filled in Manhattan.

It was so warm, even the bikers were wearing t-shirts.

I'm the guy with the camera.

Did you know there were conversation pits in Times Square?  I didn't stick around to chat.

Old and not-so-old buildings on 7th Avenue.

The Hearst Tower is new.  It plays peek-a-boo with the older ones from just about every angle.

Stumbling upon this scene in Central Park made me feel a little bit like a voyeur.  By the time I got to the other side, I realized that another photographer had staged it.

Lots of people had rented rowboats.