Thursday, March 30, 2017

Lygia Pape: A Multitude of Forms @ the Met Breuer

The Brazilian government imprisoned and tortured this artist (1927-2004) for her work. This is her first American retrospective. It reminds us how anything can be seen as political.

Marsden Hartley's Maine @ the Met Breuer

 One of my favorite American artists colorfully proves you can go home again!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Saturday in the Park With George & Steve

I've never paid more to weep in a theater.  As much as I enjoyed seeing Mr. Sondheim's incredibly moving meditation on art brought to thrilling life by Jake Gyllenhaal and Analeigh Ashford, I probably could have flown to Chicago to see Georges Seraut's painting in person for less money.  That's deeply fucked up.