Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Arpoador Sunset

Thom & Steven led the way to Arpoador, a small peninsula between Copacabana and Ipanema where a late afternoon round of Caipirinhas, Brazil's sugar cane-based national cocktail, had us feeling no pain.

We encountered a traveling bikini salesman en route.  Doesn't that sound like the start of a dirty joke?

A trio of friendly surfers made me channel Bruce Weber--minus the sexual harassment!

We had to get to Arpoador before 5:30 p.m. if we wanted to see the sun set.  April is autumn in Rio.

Everywhere you look, Cariocas are exercising.  They're definitely not shy about exhibiting the impressive results.  I've rarely seen more sensual, beautiful people.

We stayed on the high rocks, above the crowd.

And the feral kitties.

This is what I call a perch.  He wasn't far from where we stood.

In summer, the sun goes down over the Atlantic, an unusual sight in Brazil because it's on South America's eastern coast.

We certainly felt like we were "in the pink" afterward!

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