Saturday, December 11, 2021

Walk The Plank

Anthony and John invited Brad, Thom, Jerry and me to a holiday party at their lovely home in Baldwin.  This is one of their THREE Christmas trees, each beautifully decorated.  Their place definitely belongs in a shelter magazine!

Champagne and appetizers began the evening.  I wish only that I had stopped stuffing my face long enough at dinner to photograph the three-course dinner which began with a wintry version of caprese.  Roasted butternut squash substituted for the tomatoes!

Here are two post-cocktail group shots, only the first without extended fingers.

Would you believe I bought this shirt for my 50th birthday party at Barnet's apartment in Manhattan Plaza? It's old enough to drink!

John pulled out their Oculus and instructed us how to walk the plank.  What a fun night--Anthony  & John felt like our "guncles," too!

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