Wednesday, January 19, 2022

FLASHBACK: Alcatraz and Beyond (1994)

Anthony, Thom and I decided to "Go West" for Labor Day.  The time difference allowed us to dine in Tiburon at an excellent seafood restaurant the night we arrived.

Alcatraz topped my to-do list.  Not so different from the Pines in some respects, the island of lost boys where we had spent most of our all-male summer.

Cell-block exploration might have been more interesting if they weren't empty.

Thom looked the part more than either Anthony or I.

We spent the afternoon hitting all the local parks.  Here's Thom in Golden Gate.

I'd never been to Buena Vista Park in Haight Ashbury, which I'd first visited during the Summer of Love, with my parents.  I think Tales of the City may have taught me it was an outdoor cruising area.  Of course I recognized someone from the Pines.

We felt as if we were up among the clouds.

My friend Lauren from the library recommended we take the ferry to Sunday brunch in Sausalito.

The eggs Benedict at the Alta Mira did not disappoint after a night of debauchery.

Nor did the wraparound views of the bay and dozens of sailboats.

Excursions outside the city took us to Mount Tamalpais

. . . and the the Napa Valley where we enjoyed a winery tour and mud baths at Dr. Wilkinson's.

May all your traveling companions be so relaxed!


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