Tuesday, January 18, 2022

FLASHBACK: New Toy (1986)

Sarah and I worked together at the New York Public Library, where she was the resident graphic designer.  She lived on the Lower East Side and "New Toy" OBSESSED us.  She loved Lene Lovich so much that she named her dog after the New Wave singer.  

Did I ask you for your love?
Did I ask you for your dedication?
I don't want, I don't want your love
I don't want, I don't want your affection
But I've got to have the car
(I need it for the weekend)
I've got to have the stereo
(And a couple of deletions)
I've got to have the freezer
(Put some fun back in my eating)
I've got to have it all until I'm complete
I want a new toy (oh ay oh), to keep my head expanding (ta)
I want a new toy (oh ay oh), nothing too demanding (ta)
Then when everything is in roses everything is static (ta)
Yeah, my new toy (oh ay oh), you'll find us in the attic
Sometimes you make me feel
I feel so insecure
Sometimes you make me feel nothing at all
I'm sick of the TV
(Well look at the news)
I'm sick of the radio
(But what can you do?)…

Shortly before moving back to Minnesota, Sarah bought my father's Type III Karman Ghia for the same reason he imported it from Germany in 1965:  nobody else in America had one. Probably not her smartest move.  Still, our friendship survived her purchase and she invited me to visit as soon as she got settled.  Herr Cucaracha get me there in two days.

Sarah and Lene lived in Minneapolis.

But her family also had a cabin on a lake where she tried to teach me how to windsurf.

Mostly I learned that wetsuits flatter a girl's figure!

Don't let this picture fool you.  It's one of the few minutes I actually maintained a standing position.

En route back to New York, I picked up David and Smokey in Newton Falls where the Amish had helped his parents rebuild their home after a tornado destroyed it.  David is holding the model he built as a housewarming gift.  He could be super sweet when he wanted to be.

More Sarah

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