Monday, September 26, 2022

Little Amal in Harlem

Little Amal began her Harlem walk in front of the Adam Clayton Powell Office Building.  Her name means "hope" in Arabic.


You really have to see Amal move.  She's just over eleven feet tall.  In flats.

Four people are required to mobilize Amal although that's the breeze blowing her hair.   The "harpist," just visible in her mid-section, controls her facial expressions.   Sometimes you feel as if she's looking right at you.  If only the governors of Texas and Florida could see her!

Her six-block procession, which included drummers, volunteers and members of the National Black Theater brought a lot of color and music to an already bright afternoon.   And more than a few WTF? reactions, too.

Amal, a ten-year old Syrian girl, has represented refugee children throughout the world since 2021.  

It is because the attention of the world is elsewhere right now that it is more important than ever to reignite the conversation about the refugee crisis and to change the narrative around it. Yes, refugees need food and blankets, but they also need dignity and a voice. The purpose of The Walk is to highlight the potential of the refugee, not just their dire circumstances. Little Amal is 3.5 metres tall because we want the world to grow big enough to greet her. We want her to inspire us to think big and to act bigger.  Amir Nizar Zuabi, Artistic Director of The Walk

St. Ann's Warehouse brought her to New York City.  She's in town until October 2.

I wish I'd thought of this!

The only form of public transportation that can accommodate Amal's size is the Staten Island Ferry.  She'll ride it on Friday.

A girl needs a snack.

Members of the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church serenaded Amal with some amazing vocals.  Watch the video.

She drew an excited crowd while walking south on Malcolm X Boulevard.  Move over, Pied Piper.

A Dixieland band greeted Amal on West 120th Street, surely one of Manhattan's most beautiful blocks.

Amal said goodbye.  She was headed for Bryant Park.

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