Monday, May 29, 2023

George Maharis (1928 - 1993)

Thanks to Route 66, I can pinpoint my attraction to men.  It began airing on CBS-TV just after I turned seven, and not long after my parents bought me my first portable television set.  George Maharis was my first crush even though I had no idea what that meant at the time.


Second Grade School Picture
He and Martin Milner drove a Corvette on America's arguably most famous highway.  The show probably contributed to my love for road trips, too.

We moved to France, where I had no access to television at all, before Maharis left the show.  Little did I know that the producers canned him when they discovered he was gay.

I'll never forget seeing him when I worked in the Bloomingdale's tie department during the late 70s.  He stopped me in my tracks on Third Avenue as I was crossing the street.  Keep in mind that I hadn't seen him in nearly 20 years, so you know he must have made a big impression on my pre-pubescent consciousness.

Too bad I never knew he was one of the first celebrities to pose for Playgirl in 1973 when I was still in college.  I somehow would have gotten my hands on a copy.

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