Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Return to Paradise, Post-Sandy

You wouldn't have thought Sandy had had much impact at all as the Sayville ferry pulled into the Pines Harbor, with the Pavilion finally rising like a phoenix from the ashes of a fire nearly two years ago.  Of course that's exactly what the real estate agents want you to think.

My walk on the beach told a different story, especially near the co-ops.  For the first time in 26 seasons--yes, that's how long I've shared houses in the Pines--I imagined the ocean swallowing Fire Island.  Sandy washed away most of the primary dune, possibly leaving the beachfront homes vulnerable to high tides.

Several houses, including the African Village, lost pools.

Some properties were more damaged than others.

Quick cosmetic repairs had been completed on a couple of homes but I doubt if anyone believes these wooden walls will afford much protection from a storm surge?

Not that this frolicking dog cared much.

Hopefully she is better behaved than Vita.  This beautiful but skinny bitch howled the entire duration of the ferry ride.

She made Dan, our houseguest, even more uncomfortable than me even though I was sitting right next to her.

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