Sunday, April 27, 2014

Retirement Brunch

Next Wednesday I'm retiring from the Health Department where I worked as the World Trade Center Health Coordinator for the past 7 years.  I celebrated with a brunch at my sunny apartment on the Upper West Side.  It's not very big, but it's rent stabilized!

Audrey arrived first.

Entertaining a dozen people is a lot of work if you do it from scratch!  The menu included 3 salads (tarragon chicken; avocados tossed with cannellini beans and prosciutto; and beets tossed with fennel, walnuts and blue cheese).

Here's a close-up of the 4 quiches (salmon & dill; bacon & gruyere; apple & blue cheese; and mushroom and onion).  Joe gave me the high-heel pie cutter.  It's from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.

I ordered an ice cream cake (chocolate and jamoca) from Baskin Robbins, my first employer.  It said "R.I.P. 9 to 5."  Everyone, including the woman who made it and Anthony, thought it was pretty funny.

We had a great time.  Too bad I was too busy to take any more pictures!

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