Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Street art heaven can be found in an old warehouse district in Miami.  It reminds me of what 5 Pointz used to be like in Long Island City but on a much larger scale and way more commercialized.

Literally every surface in the neighborhood is a canvas.

Andy's spirit hovers above the neighborhood and galleries.

Of course there's a place for your locks, too.

The buzz of Eurotrash is as deafening as it was in South Beach during the late 80s.  Thank Art Basel for that.  Tom Wolfe skewers the scene hilariously in Back to Blood along with the rest of contemporary life in Miami.  

I took a selfie in front of my cartoon doppelgänger.

We fortified ourselves with babka and a bathroom break at Zak the Baker.  It's kosher.

Even the restrooms, gutters and trash have an aesthetic in Wynwood.

Florian says it would have made a better photo if I'd used my other arm to throw this peace sign.

Wynwood Walls is the commercial center where you can buy the work of artists on display.

There's definitely a park-like atmosphere within Wynwood Walls.

Shopping and eating are a big part of the Wynwood experience, too.

Some of the shops cater to the community's original residents.

Metaphor can be found everywhere.

Christine steered us to Suviche for a delicious fusion of sushi and ceviche.

After lunch, our tour continued with some drive-by art.

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