Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Coptic Cairo

Coptic Cairo is jammed into one of the oldest sections of the city.  The Hanging Church is "suspended" atop a Roman fortress which has sunk nearly 20 feet since ancient times.

The more familiar stone, wood and iron decoration came as a relief after so many sandstone ancient temples.

We passed a metro stop on our way to another church.  

Arabic signs are beautiful but bewildering.

I got closer to Jesus than ever before at the Church of St. Sergius & Bacchus.

The Holy Family drank from this well on the lower level.

Ebony and ivory carvings, and colored marble are as ubiquitous as stained glass in European churches. 

Egyptians still live in the area, too.

We followed a group of Asian tourists through the warren of old alleys.

I wonder how Mary looks illuminated?

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