Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Red Rocks

The drive to Sedona took me through a wide, verdant valley.

Barb said she moved to the mountains because she wanted to see the leaves change color. Until I saw the autumn landscape, I didn't quite believe her.

A sign directed me to the lower loop of Red Rock State Park. It's hard to believe that private homes have views like this.

Driveway signs forbid you from stopping to take photos.

Fortunately, there were a couple of turn-outs where I spent at least an hour feverishly snapping photos of the Cathedral and other bewitching sandstone formations as the light changed.

The sudden appearance of a rainbow was almost too much for me to handle.

Sedona, just 15 minutes away, is mucho picturesque

. . . and even more commercial.

Lots of stereotypes, too.

Still, you can't beat the downtown views.  If you look closely, you can see homes scattered throughout the foothills.

I left just as the sun was setting.  Even the locals seemed impressed by the vistas.

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