Monday, August 3, 2020

Pandemic Potpourri

Daily walks in Central Park

Signs of the times


A bike ride to the Towers, Thom's apartment in Jackson Heights

Home improvement at 47 Pianos, including:

Repainting all rooms and purchasing a new sofa

Refinishing a butcher block table and bentwood chairs

Recovering a leather chair and adding berry cream accents, like the plaster-of-Paris fan stand in the background.

Repositioning family heirlooms, including these brass horses

Restoring this tension calendar, a treasured gift I received in high school when my mother was still alive (Jo Ann Harman also gave me my first Aubrey Beardsley repro, hanging above).  It required  handcrafting all the paper and string and elements. In retirement, I finally have enough time to remember to change the date every morning.  How analog is that?  Time stops in my apartment when I'm gone.

Affixing shells to an old astray that David rescued when he worked on what today is known as Theater Row on West 42nd Street

Decoupaging too many flat surfaces with exhumed Playbills from nearly 50 years of theatre-going, beginning with Pacific Overtures on Broadway (1976).

Repainting my bedroom after purchasing a new bed, chest of drawers, rug and my first flat screen TV.

More decoupage in the cylinder at the foot of my bed, using a naughty calendar from the wonderful but now defunct Butt magazine.

I began the makeover of 47 Pianos early last year, hoping to swap it with someone elsewhere in the world for a month at a time.  That won't be happening anytime soon.

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