Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Snake Season

Thom and I returned to the Pines after missing a week due to covid 19 quarantine.  Victor and Tommy invited us over for a belated celebration of my 67th birthday.

Tommy shot time-lapse video of the sun setting over the Great South Bay.  

After birthday cake, he also showed us mesmerizing images he shot in pre-covid New Zealand.

Later in the week, we served them Varick's chocolate peanut butter balls.

 Both Varick and Thom cooked up a storm

Have you ever eaten a sausage clock?

Thom adapted this burrata recipe from Better Homes & Gardens.  I got a free subscription after buying a floor lamp at Walmart.

Wine with that delicious lunch contributed to the spontaneity of a video we shot to commemorate Magda's & Joe's sixth wedding anniversary.  Randy & Thom knocked it out of the park with their infant and toddler impersonations.

Another house honored a Supreme Court justice.  Have flamingoes ever been used to such fabulous effect?

Returning to the Pines enabled me to swim for the first time in 6 weeks,  twice in the ocean and once in the bay.

Walks to Cherry Grove led to some interesting natural encounters, including a pair of brown snakes

. . . and a very bold buck.

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille."

Additions to my collection of clever (and sometimes X-rated) Cherry Grove house names.

Plenty of random images, too.

Looking forward to my 34th season!

But first, the roughest ferry crossing of the Great South Bay that I've ever experienced.

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