Sunday, January 31, 2021

Palm Beach County Park Airport

While biking around Lake Osborne, I stopped at the Palm Beach County Airport late in the afternoon.

The gates were open so I gave myself a private tour despite "no trespassing" signs.  The planes, tethered to the runway with rope, looked lonely all lined up.

It's hard not to think of JFK, Jr. whenever I see a small prop job.  

This shiny red copter definitely looked like a rich adult's toy.

As a man of a certain age, I gravitated to the antiques.  When my father was stationed in Saigon more than 50 years ago, he spent his lunch hours roaming the Tan Son Nhut Airport.

In the age of Elon Musk, it's hard to believe an internal combustion engine kept this baby aloft.

Phallic symbolism, pilot sexism.

A couple of small hangers keep the planes in much better condition.

I wonder how the sunset over Lake Osborne looks from 10,000 feet?


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