Thursday, July 22, 2021

Not A Fish

Maybe I wasn't paying attention during the Italian Renaissance lecture in my college art history class.  In any case, not until The Medici:  Portraits and Politics, 1512-1570 did I learn that Bronzino wasn't a fish.  My bad.  Painting doesn't get much prettier than this

Saint Sebastian (ca 1532-35)

Portrait of a Girl (ca 1540-41)

Bronzino painted Cosimo I, the second Duke of Florence, at least twice.  Thanks to an out-of-wedlock succession problem, Cosimo climbed to the top of the Medici heap, a very powerful place to be once upon a time.

Cosimo I de' Medici as Orpheus (ca 1537-39)

Cosimo I de' Medici in Armor (ca 1545)

Baccio Bandinelli captured the big cheese's likeness in marble, too.

Cosimo I de' Medici in Armor  (ca 1544-45)

Art historians have characterized Bronzino's works as "mannerist" because of its emphasis on idealized beauty.  Count me in!

Portrait of a Woman (ca 1550-55)

Laura Battiferri (ca 1560)


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