Sunday, March 27, 2022

Say It Loud & Clear!

You've got to wonder what Dagny and Della were thinking when these drag queens waved and threw them enough loot to fill a stroller.

They even took the guys dancing half-naked in stride, although there weren't nearly as many of those.

Dagny LOVES Belle, from Beauty and the Beast.  I gave her a piggy bank that looked just like this mom.  She's still sleeping with it!

There were unicorns on golf carts, too.  Only in Florida!

I'm glad Dagny didn't ask what this costume signified.  If I were a teacher and she was my student, I wouldn't have been able to tell her without fear of losing my job.

Just what I need!

This year's pride parade had more political significance than in year's past because Trump wanna-be Ron De Santis cynically signed "Don't Say Gay" legislation the week before.  These marchers, with a mock-up of the Florida state capitol in Tallahasee, weren't having it.  They jubilantly tore the building open.

Among other hateful things, the vaguely written bill prohibits children in kindergarten through third grade from learning about sexual orientation or gender identity. It represents the worst kind of backsliding by trying to segregate the full range of human nature from kids but classrooms are the new battlegrounds in the nation's culture wars and the LGBTQ community is losing ground in red states.  Where will it end?

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