Thursday, June 8, 2023

Back In Time With Andy

"Thirty Art Better Than One" got me to the Brant Foundation where I'd seen a Basquiat exhibit several years ago.  Andy clocked my reaction upon learning that Peter Brant owned most of the paintings on view.  They must be worth a LOT of moolah.

"Dollar Sign" (1981)
The jury's out about whether or not Andy made Nixon's enemies list but there's no doubt Andy had no use for Tricky Dick.  This work hangs in the elevator--complete with an operator--that takes you to the fourth floor where the exhibit begins.

Vote McGovern (1972)

There's a terrific view in the rear of the gallery.

The works are exhibited in reverse chronological order which IMHO means as you go back in time, you go up in quality.

"The Last Supper" (1986)

Last Supper Drawing (Jesus detail)

"Diamond Dust Shoes" (detail, 1980)

"Eight Works, Each: Skull" (detail, 1976)

"12 Electric Chairs" (1964-65)

Self Portrait (1964)

"Shot Light Blue Marilyn" (1964)

"Liz #5 (Early Colored Liz)"  (1963)

"Red Elvis" (1962)

"192 One Dollar Bills" (1962)

"Big Campbell's Soup Can with Can Opener, Vegetable" (1962)

"Dick Tracy" (ca 1961)

"Wild Raspberry Cake" (1959)

"James Dean" (1955)

Needless to say, you're made to exit through the gift shop.  As much as I love Andy,  I declined a very expensive opportunity to his extend his infinite brand in the 21st century.

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