Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Basquiat Baby

"Jean-Michel Basquiat," a terrific exhibit at the brand new Brant Foundation welcomed me back to New York's incredible art scene, past and present.  I made reservations months ago.

A former Con Ed power plant on the Lower East Side, Basquiat's old hood, houses the foundation.  It makes for great gallery space.

Basquiat was besties with Andy.

Apparently he also had a thing for boxers.  Benedict Cumberbatch was among the visitors in the small room dedicated to them.  You don't see celebrities out and about in Lake Worth!

Magda & Joe sent me a Uniqlo t-shirt with a dinosaur wearing a Basquiat crown like this one.  In an odd coincidence, I once served on a jury in a civil court case in which Basquiat's estate sued Uniqlo.  It was about money, not art, so I barely can remember the details.

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