Wednesday, April 17, 2019

On Top of the World

Imagine driving on top of the world, on a two-lane highway, with green valleys on either side of you and almost no one else around.  

Imagine starring in your own sports car commercial, exceeding the posted speed limit by as much as 25 mph while listening to the songs of your youth.

Well, I just got into town about an hour ago
Took a look around, see which way the wind blow
Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows
Are you a lucky little lady from The City of Lights?
Or just another lost angel?

Imagine barely stopping to take a picture, except for the Mabry Mill!

Imagine picking up the picturesque Blue Ridge Parkway in Fancy Gap, Virginia on a sunny spring afternoon and leaving behind the mountainous mist and drizzle the next morning 200 miles north, in Waynesboro. 

Actually it wasn't quite as fast as it sounds.  The posted speed limit on "America's favorite drive," which spans North Carolina and Virginia, is 45 mph.  Traffic typically keeps speeders in check.

The Lake Worth snowbirds celebrated their first road trip home with a final drink and dinner in Roanoke.  

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