Monday, November 11, 2013

Model to Monument in Hudson River Park

You never know what you'll stumble upon in New York City.  I found these sculptures in Hudson River Park on a cloudy Veteran's Day.  They're part of the Model to Monument Program which the Art Students League conducts in partnership with the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation.  It trains students to sculpt public works for specific environments.

I'll start at the south end of the installation with Sherwin Banfield's "Transitions Through Triathalon."

"The Bathers" by Benat Iglesias Lopez.

I liked "A Frolicking Stray" by John N. Erianne the most but it was hardest to capture.  

Morito Yasumitsu's "Spirit" struck a pose.

Anna Kuchel Rabinowitz delivered "Preservation" in 2 parts.  Here's "A Wonderful Life."

And "High & Dry:"

"Ringo" by Reina Kubota bordered on kitsch, but it might make a fun place to propose.  Somebody took a bite of the apple.

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