Monday, May 26, 2014

Full House

We had a full house in the Pines on Memorial Day.  Magda, Joe and Moofy drove down from Boston.  They always manage to sniff out the local art scene.

Jimmy and Andy had a shorter commute from New Jersey.

Joe, who just turned 30, deployed his bar tending skills to make delicious cherry bombs.  It wasn't his first time at the rodeo.

Thom followed the sun all weekend.  It led him everywhere Sunday when the weather was perfect.

Chris picked several books from the house's extensive library for Varick to read.  He began with Music for Chameleons by Truman Capote.  It's great for short attention spans!

Then Chris went for a run.

Curtis and Moofy enjoyed themselves as much as their companions.

You can decide who won the cuteness pageant.

Here's looking down at Magda

. . . and up at Andrew.

No holiday weekend would be complete without a little drag, but only the skinny bitches can fit into Thom's couture.

Jimmy couldn't resist copping a feel.

Andy just couldn't let go of his heels afterward

. . . while Stephanie kicked hers up.

Stephanie and Moofy bonded.  Back in Queens, Vita was making mushy face.

Hazel waved from room she shares with Mr. B (that's the part they left out of the sitcom).

Varick and Joe pre-loaded for tea with cosmos in the hot tub

. . . while Nic, Will and Randy steamily decompressed from their afternoon in the Grove.

Then it was off to tea for some of us.

Nic, channeling his inner Marilyn, wore polka dots.  He had a drag emergency in the harbor.

Do you think Lina ever has those?

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