Saturday, May 22, 2021

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Let me tell ya, a hand-drawn map of Cherry Grove is not something I ever expected to see at the New York Historical Society.


Andrew suggested we go to see photos taken there more than half a century ago.  You live long enough and EVERYTHING becomes respectable.  Or, exhibition-worthy, at least.

Although you can't catch a sea plane anymore, things haven't changed that much in the Grove, or the Pines, its high falutin' sister to the east, where both of us have shared a home.  

Back in the day, the ferries (and upper bodies) may have been smaller

. . . but anonymous hunks abounded then and now.

Actually, I surreptitiously took this shot in 1988, my virgin summer in the Pines.  Photos like these were mostly below-the-radar before the age of Instagram.  Doesn't he look like a young Mel Gibson?  Cancel that!

Narcissism used to require two people.

Sometimes even today.

You can't beat a parasol prop

. . .for guys playing dress-up.

Who knew?  Looks like the Invasion had its origins in small craft on the Great South Bay. Bring back the Regatta--so DIY!

Hard to believe drag was once considered a "serious situation," even in Cherry Grove.  Kinda like "trouble" in River City.  With a capital "D"!

The curators did a great job of documenting the ebb and flow of notable visitors.

Marty Mann (left), the first woman to get sober in Alcoholics Anonymous, founded the National Council on Alcoholism.  Coincidentally, I joined that organization in 1989, the year after I began summering in the Pines.  And as far as I'm concerned, Carson (right) said everything that needs to be said on the dynamics of love.

Dog dads have been around forever.

Once upon a time, I was one, too.

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