Thursday, May 13, 2021


By the time we reached Savannah from Lake Worth, the skies had darkened and the temperature had dropped nearly 30 degrees, curtailing any immediate impulse to sightsee.


We overate high cholesterol food downtown at Lady & Sons where Thom surreptitiously shot this underdressed patron, who was 70 if she was a day. A family of African Americans at a nearby table made me feel less guilty about our restaurant choice.

Loretto, the super-chic director of alumni relations at a convent school, was a character more to our liking.  Without much prompting she told us that her friend John Berendt, author of Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil, brought her a stone from a witch doctor, which she held on their way to the beach.  "I had a 100 warts on my legs," she confided.  "When I removed my cover up, they were all gone.  All of them."  

Here's Thom in front of the home where the murder in Midnight takes place.

Savannah's architecture definitely charms.  Two views of the Armstrong Kessler Mansion, just off Forsyth Park where we easily found two-hour parking.

The fountain there never fails to enchant.

The producers of The Underground Railroad used the Telfair Museum of Arts & Sciences as location for an episode based in South Carolina.

We peeked  inside the St. John the Baptist Cathedral, too.

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