Friday, May 14, 2021

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

For some reason, I got it into my head that I wanted to see the Citadel.  Thom had never heard of the military college, one of six in the United States,  but he didn't object to doing a drive-by with the top down on a morning chilly enough to wear a sweater.  An enormous signet ring decorates the entrance to the campus.  

Gleaming military weaponry studs the parade ground, where cadets marched daily in formation prior to the pandemic.  We saw barely a soul.  "All you need to know is that Citadel cadets fired the first shots of the Civil War," I told Thom.  "And it was big deal when the place finally was forced to admit women in the 90s."

There's something almost Third Reich about the highly distinctive Spanish Moorish architecture.

In a way, the vibe is almost as over-the-top as a float in a gay Pride parade.

Not that there's anything wrong with honor, duty and respect.

That's a black eagle perched below the flag on top of the building.  Thom wanted to know why there weren't more flowers!

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