Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Moynihan Train Hall

New York always keeps changing.  The Moynihan Train Hall topped my list of things to see after a six-month absence.  


I expected more bustle even on Wednesday afternoon.  

No matter how you feel about the architecture quality, it's a great improvement over Penn Station.  From crypt to cathedral.  Although I could do without all the New York State boosterism, especially the pervasive use of the word "excelsior."  Unless of course you're talking about the recent legalization of weed.  Excelsior means "higher" in Latin.

It took help from a very eager employee, who reminded me of the lonely Maytag repairman, to find the Kehinde Wiley stained glass.  It's located above the 33rd Street & Eighth Avenue entrance.

Wooden benches in the waiting areas are a nice touch.  Practical, too.

Most of the food vendors haven't opened yet.  Joe and Magda will be glad to see this one.

A complaint:  you can't purchase a ticket near where you catch a train.  Is that because they expect online ticket sales to predominate in the future?

I couldn't tell if this woman was homeless or not.

They've even spruced up the platforms.

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