Friday, May 15, 2015

Queer Art Interface

Thom, Steven, Matthew and I went to the opening of "Interface," an exhibition of queer artists forming communities through social media at the Leslie + Lohman Museum.  Our friend Will Spangenberg contributed two sculptural pieces.  That's Will on the right.

His Tranimals were the coolest thing in the show.  He used a 3D printer to create them.

I liked a lot of the other work, too, although women were underrepresented. Anything goes nowadays. You don't have to search very hard to find Gio Black Peter's influences.

One interactive installation lured the selfie generation.

We knew the exhibit was trending when an acquaintance re-introduced Michael Musto to us.  "Yes, we hosted you at our house in the Pines one weekend."  I didn't remind him that he had failed to sing for his supper, falling asleep at the dinner table instead.

Some cute brat photobombed us, too!

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