Saturday, July 16, 2016

Free Saturdays @ The Jewish Museum

So what if the gift shop isn't open because of Shabbos?  Crowds are light in summer for New York's less popular museums.

Isaac Mizrahi:  An Unruly History

My mother would have accused Mr. Mizrahi of having a lot of "personality," more evident in the frenetic triptych video presentation (don't miss it) that closes the exhibit than the samples of his colorful work on display.

Design #33--that one would be for Linda Evangelista who once so famously said that she didn't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day.  How reasonable that seems today in Manhattan!

That's right, the dress is made of Coke cans.  It's the "Real Thing."

Mizrahi called this dress "Totem Pole" in less politically correct times.  He took his inspiration from roadside trinkets, not authentic Native American culture.

He certainly had a sense of humor about his fabrics.  Here's a perfect "moving gown"--it's made of elevator pads!

His costume work delights.

And you thought Bjork looked fucked up at the Oscars!

Roberto Burle Marx, Brazilian Modernist

Most of the gardens Marx landscaped never made it from paper to earth.  A shame, although he left behind lots of interesting concepts realized in different media, including tapestry and tile.

Using Walls, Floors, and Ceilings: Beatriz Milhazes

Milhazes must have played a lot of "Candyland" as a kid!

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