Sunday, October 2, 2016

Pines Thanksgiving

Neither gray skies nor guest cancellations prevented us from enjoying our traditional Thanksgiving meal on the last Sunday of the season.

Another house had a Game of Thrones party.

Vita and I took a final walk to the Grove on Saturday, after the rain had mostly stopped.

A lot of houses are in discard mode at this time of year.

Amidst the fall foliage, some plants are still blooming.

Tensions were running high in the kitchen by the time we returned.

Somebody has to chop the wood, if not the cook!

Everyone pitches in.

Tom marinated the turkey in brandy & milk.  It was as tan he usually is by July and just as toasted!

Randy even managed to pick this lovely bouquet from the flowers he uprooted on Sunday.

And now we've all depressed the pause button until May 11, 2017.

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