Sunday, September 30, 2018

Not Quite Goodbye To All That

Thom brought a bottle of Veuve Cliquot, to celebrate what Chris called "the end of an era."

With the real possibility that we'd be leaving the Pines for good, our mood turned wistful late Sunday afternoon.

Could 30 years of fun really be done?

We'd already made arrangements to bequeath our "drag bags" to Victor and Tommy.  But Varick couldn't resist one last look through.

Those legs!

Randy plucked nasturtium blossoms for our last pork tenderloin supper.

I shot video of Thom's 5:55 p.m. departure on a glorious fall evening.  You can see him waving six rows from the back.

But by the time I left on Wednesday, our landlord agreed to sell us a 1/4 share, what one real estate agent called "the new coin of the realm."

Even though we'll be returning, our new schedule doesn't include any fall weekends.  So goodbye to all this!

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