Friday, October 12, 2018

It All Seems So Long Ago

New York makes walking enjoyable, especially when you know you'll be leaving for a month in just two days.  A Broadway marquee advertised a new musical which originated in Australia.  I'm not sure that bodes well.

It's easy to picture King Kong leaping from one skyscraper to another in Hudson Yards.

The Steven Kasher Gallery in Chelsea featured the work of Village Voice photographer Fred McDarrah. He chronicled life in New York City while I was busy imagining it.  Here's a very young Andy Warhol.

I'd type for Jack Kerouac, too!

Jim Fouratt, an early gay activist and promoter.  Audrey and I once won a dance contest at Hurrah, a rock 'n roll disco he opened on the Upper West Side, long after this photo was taken.

Would you believe there was a "Miss All-America Camp Beauty Pageant" at Town Hall in 1967?  Notice there's a Miss Fire Island.

It all seems so long ago.

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