Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Turtles

Andrea, another Democratic carpetbagger from the DC area, joined our canvassing team on day 5.

I call us the Turtles because our slow but steady efforts (at least 2 of us have canvassed 9 out of the past 10 days and we're about to do our biggest canvas yet tomorrow) have reached nearly 400 households in the West Palm Beach area.

Representative Lois Frankel, whose seat is safe in the 21st district, gave the Baer canvassers a pep talk.

Chris, whose permanent address is the Florida Folly, cast his vote from Prague on an absentee ballot!  I wish I'd remembered to tell her.

Alex, a local Human Rights Campaign volunteer who has an equality sign shaved on the side of his head, gave us t-shirts, too.

John, who does his job VERY well, organized the event.

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