Sunday, June 30, 2019

Queer Liberation March

It may not have been as big or as loud or as mobbed as World Pride but this march eschewed corporate sponsorship and was a lot more accessible.

Several thousand participants marched from Sheridan Square up Sixth Avenue to the Great Lawn in Central Park, the same route as the first gay pride march in 1970.  In 1978, everyone ended up in Central Park's Sheep Meadow, where I  camouflaged myself as a photographer.  Thom and I caught them just as they arrived at 57th Street.

Reclaim Pride, which organized the event, did not accept NYPD's recent apology for its role in harassing queer people for decades.

But marchers honored gay culture, too.  I didn't see any Klaus Nomi signs downtown.  Not that I could see much downtown!

I wish I'd gotten a picture of the Saint Bowie sign!

Everybody's got a cause:  NYC Intactivists!

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