Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Not-Quite-Lost Weekend

Dan, a former Pines housemate, gave Chris this book to bring to the beach, after posting pictures of "his gang" for Pride on Facebook.  He must be feeling sentimental after cutting off contact with most of us.

The book includes photos of the last home we shared with Patrick and Marty, the summer they adopted Grayson as a newborn.  

We spent many Saturday nights in drag at the House of Five Gables before it became a much-Instagrammed party house.   Which raises the question:  who buys coffee table books anymore?

I photographed another colorful specimen for Grayson.

Here he is with Annie, his birth mother, and his two Dads. 

They served a delicious meal and kept pouring the wine.  Even high living Patrick was shocked by how much the Pantry charges for anchovies ($27)!  I had to be carried home and don't remember much of the evening after my relentless interrogation of Annie.  Inquiring minds want to know about the impact of open adoption, after all!

Andrew and Steven joined us for the weekend.  Most of our group went to a fundraiser for Mayor Pete featuring Chasten, his husband, and lobster rolls.  Even those of us who didn't attend have embraced Buttigieg's historic candidacy with an almost religious fervor.

I recovered sufficiently to bake my most successful shortcake ever.  The trick is to make sure the color of the chef's skin matches the strawberries, achieved through a precise blend of sun and the Caipirinhas Steven and Andrew made to celebrate our Ipanema reunion.

I took my first walk of the season to Sailor's Haven.

I'd never seen the ferry docked in the harbor before.

The beach reclamation project in the Pines has been postponed until September.  Owners continue to raise their ocean front homes.  Wood floats, right?

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