Friday, June 3, 2022

A Wee Walk On Dingieshowe Beach

Why, you might ask, am I journaling outside of a trailer?  Not just any trailer, mind you, but a "spacious caravan overlooking Dingieshowe Beach."  It may have been hard to find--we had to call our Airbnb hostess for an escort--but the location, high atop a hill, couldn't be beat.

Yep, this was pretty much what we woke up to.  

Thom joined me for a "wee" walk on the beach.  A family of locals told us it was the first good weather of the season.

Here's the view from the far side of the beach.  Our hosts own the big white house on the bluff.  They lived in the caravan while it was being built.


A cow gave us a skeptical look as we climbed up the bluff that overlooks the North Sea.

Thom's new Belfast outfit coordinated perfectly with the wildflowers.

Graceland seemed impossibly distant.  I hadn't been this far north in the world since traveling to the Arctic Circle in 1980.  Anchorage, Oslo and the Orkneys share the same latitude.

Portrait mode got an early morning work-out.

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