Saturday, June 4, 2022

Where Madonna & Musk Wed (Separately!)

Residents of Dornoch had just finished a celebration of the Queen's Jubilee in the town square when we arrived to check out the cathedral.  


You can see the entrance framed by the domed canopy of this dry Victorian drinking fountain.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie exchanged vows here in 2000.  That's before 9/11 and the advent of i-Phones, kids.  Dornoch Cathedral feels surprisingly intimate, especially bathed in a golden light.

Elon Musk married his second wife here, too.  It must attract Type A personalities.

Dagny loves unicorns.  I suddenly started seeing them everywhere.

Needlepoint cushions in the pews featured Scottish wildlife, including the bird we never saw.

Maybe marrying in this church confers wealth.

This crypt precedes the renovation of the cathedral that occurred at the beginning of the Victorian era.

A child must have left behind this oddly juxtaposed toy after services.

Some of the older stained glass was donated in memory of Andrew Carnegie, one of the New York Public Li'brary's principal benefactors.  He grew up near Dornoch and eventually bought Skibo Castle as a summer home.  New, smaller stained glass near the front of the cathedral depicts wildlife.  Times change.

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