Tuesday, July 11, 2023

All Bow Down


A few galleries into "A Line of Beauty" I overheard a Met security guard say to a couple of squealing visitors "You're only about a third through.  

By the time you reach the end, you'll have tears in your eyes."  Well, maybe not tears but definitely a greater willingness to bow down before the creativity and productivity of haute couture fashion emperor Karl Lagerfeld.

If I were a girl with dough, here's how I would have filled my closets over the decades.

Chloe Dresses (both, Spring/Summer, 1966)
Chloe Dress (Autumn/Winter 1971-72)
Chanel Ensemble (Autumn/Winter 1987-88)
Chanel Ensemble (Spring/Summer 1994)
Fendi Coat (Autumn/Winter 2000-01)
Fendi Coat(Autumn/Winter 2000-01)
H&M Ensemble (2004)
Fendi Dress (Spring/Summer 2009)
Fendi Coat (Autumn/Winter 2012-13) 
Chanel Wedding Ensemble (Spring/Summer 2015) 
Chanel Suit (Autumn/Winter 2015-16)
Fendi Cape (Autum/Winter 2016-17)

Fendi Ensemble (Autumn/Winter 2016-17) 

Fendi Dress (Autumn/Winter 2016-17) 

Chanel Dress (Spring/Summer 2019) 

Chanel Dress (Spring/Summer 2019)
Chanel Ensemble (Spring/Summer 2019)

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